assertiveness - assertive behavior From previous notes on my blog already know what it is assertiveness, we met well as ways to respond to criticism and attack . time to look at the next asertwnym behaviors, which are equally important, as already mentioned above. first Denying many people, it seems that Assertiveness is a skill just saying "no" at the right time. Before we dealt with comprehensively asertwnoscia also seemed to me so thanks oglupiajacemu film, who was in high school, we are shown, on the hour educational. Assertive refusal, should include the word "no", information about the decision (not going to satisfy the requests), explain the theme (information real, concrete, but not usprawieliwianie up!) And a possible softening ("I'm sorry," I am difficult ") Of course you can soften jaknajbardziej skip, but then you have to count with more strength of our media. second defense of their rights in social situations You should always recognize
in a given situation of their rights, bearing in mind that you are also entitled to submit a request. More about rights in the context of asertwynosci write soon. Then, skorzytac their rights by focusing solely on the sentence, which is the implementation of the previously selected target. Not violate the rights of other people, keep up gently, but firmly. Avoid like the plague irony! third Confrontation beliefs Assertive confrontation beliefs or views, contain expression pownna own view ("I think that ..."), IDENTIFICATION view partner (" Am I to understand that differences of opinion ..."), underline ( "I disagree with you, "I have a different opinion on this subject"). I recommend always a reference to this, the views expressed by you, your are only human, and the caller should not treat them as facts. fourth Response the criticism and praise If someone expresses criticism or praise in line with our view on the matter, we shall think in the style of "I have a similar opinion on this subject," "I also think so." Do not you agree to the criticism we speak " I have a different opinion. " Let me add that I had some time ago funny situations affiliated with a compliment, which we deem praise. Claudia, the girl of my friend Michael , she said," Xavier, but I hate you. "I answered then asertwnie (not even thinking about it)," I also really like ". fifth Expressing criticism and praise asertwynej form expressions of praise is a positive attitude (do "I like," I'm happy, "like") and provide a concrete fact, with no expectations and comparisons to the other. while critics should look like this. We provide that (a specific description of what is happening) respond negatively ("worries me," "annoys me," I'm not happy ...") with a description of the consequences that we have suffered, and expectations for changes in expression, which We expected the other person.
6th Responding to criticism and attack
Zciagnij original material from assertiveness training.