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Psychology - Definition from Wikipedia

Psychology (from gr. ψυχή psyche = soul and λόγος logos = word , thought, reasoning) is an empirical science, concerned about the study of the mechanisms and laws of psychic phenomena and human behavior. Psychology also examines the impact of mental phenomena of human interaction and interaction with the environment. In fact, concerns the psychology of people, but it says about the psychology of animals (ie zoopsychologii ), although the behavior of animals is also an area of \u200b\u200bbiology - ethology .

Science which derives mainly psychology sociology , anthropology , philosophy and biology , but by developing their own methods of experimental psychology is the science of self. Psychology among the social sciences, and the humanities. Recently it is also known to be the behavioral sciences (behavioral science), along with sociology, ethology, cultural anthropology, criminology, certain areas of medicine (psychiatry, behavioral medicine).

academic psychology deals with, among others.

  • cognitive - perception, thinking, imagining, memory (cognitive psychology );
  • acquisition speech and its linkage with other mental processes (psycholinguistics );
  • development and changes in psychological mechanisms ( psychology of human development );
  • emotions, motivation processes, permanent psychological characteristics (personality psychology );
  • perception of people and mental aspects of the interaction between people (social psychology ) and communication between them ( negotiation, mediation );
  • compound mental processes and functioning of the central nervous system ( neuropsychology), evolutionary aspects of psychological mechanisms ( evolutionary psychology).
  • psychological aspects of religious, scientific and artistic works and other areas of human functioning.
  • personality disorder ( patopsychologia ).

Applied psychology deals with the application of psychological knowledge in

  • disorders mental processes ( psychopathology), their diagnosis and treatment (clinical psychology ) - akin to field of medicine is psychiatry;
  • correcting disorders social relationships and partner relationships and family ( psychotherapy, psychology of marriage and family )
  • psychological determinants of somatic diseases, promoting health and practices in the area of \u200b\u200bmedicine (health psychology )
  • justice (judicial psychology )
  • school-educational problems, Functioning of educational institutions and education (educational psychology )
  • organizations (psychology organizations) and businesses ( psychology of work),
  • economic behavior of people ( economic psychology),
  • in the military, sports, religions, and many other areas.

matter of psychology at the intersection statistics dealing with the construction of psychological tests is psychometrics. Today, more and better results combining psychology with neuroscience (see also cognitive science , cognitive neuroscience ).

origin of the name psychology [edit ]

term psychology comes from the Greek and literally means "science of the soul." This name, however, was not known or used by the ancient Greeks (if used gr. return περι ψγχης). The name "psychology" was artificially created only in the sixteenth century. Wilhelm Volkmann said that for the first time applied it Melanchthon, however, in 1987 André Lalande years after studying the works of Melanchthon states that the term "psychology" was not used there, not even once. The reason for this error by Volkmann was the nineteenth-century edition of the works Melancthon where Cardus G. Bretschneider wrote in the foreword: "This book Melanchthon, the first well-known among the Germans, is about psychology." Thus the word psychology has not been used by Melanchthon, but by the nineteenth-century editor of his works.

Word "Psychology" first appeared in print only in 1590 year, as the title of Latin hearing Goclenius "ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ: hoc est, de hominis Perfectione, Animo, et in primis Ortu huius, Commentationes ac disputationes quorundam Theologorum & ; philosophorum nostrae ætatis, quos versa pagina ostendit "which can be translated as:" Psychology, which is the perfection of man, the soul, and above all considerations about its origin and hearing these contemporary theologians and philosophers, whose names appear on the reverse side " [1] . Goclenius not attached to that name too much attention, because in his later works, the word does not exist.

Priority Goclenius in the application of the name" psychology "is not certain. According to William Hamilton first was Freigins Thomas Johanes, who allegedly used the same name in 1575 in "Catalogus Locorum Communium." Even before he could use it with a poet Split Marko Marulić . From his biography published by Franciscus Natalis that Marulić wrote a Latin dissertation Fri: Psichiologia de ratione liber I animć humanć . " That hearing could arise between 1510 and 1519 year. Until the find works of both Freiginsa and Marulić , priority in the use of the word "psychology" in print has all the time Goclenius . It is also worth noting that the term "psychology" is not immediately be adopted. Throughout the seventeenth century used the name "pneumatology" (from gr. pneuma - breath, spirit). To spread the name of "psychology" has contributed only in the eighteenth century German philosopher Christian Wolff through the issuance of Psychology empirica and rationalis Psychology.

history of psychology [edit ]

mentality of people interested in all cultures, but the systematic collection of empirical knowledge on this subject will not begin until the nineteenth century . Previously, psychology was regarded as a branch of philosophy . Philosophers most interested in the specificity of psychological processes: whether they are immaterial whether also are a function of a separate substance (soul). Philosophers who made the greatest contribution to the development of psychology as Plato (first described the internal conflicts), Aristotle (systematic classification of mental processes of association), St. Augustine, Descartes , John Stuart Mill. The first attempts to apply the experimental method associated with the names of German scientists Johannes Mulllera, Hermann von Helmholtz and Gustav Fechner, whose work is related to the borderland of physiology and psychology (perception of incentives), but the date of constitution in psychology as an independent empirical science is considered the establishment in 1879 of the first psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig by Wilhelm Wundt. Wundt systematized method of registration is defined as a subjective experience introspection. Introspective psychology has released several schools, including:

  • asocjacjonizm ( Wilhelm Wundt), assuming that the complex experiences are the product of mergers simpler;
  • Gestalt psychology (Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, Kurt Koffka) assuming that there are mechanisms for actively organizing mental processes;
  • functionalism ( William James) that assumes that psychological processes have to fulfill the functions that organize them.

introspective method was based on the assumption that mental processes can be tested only "from within", recording the conscious experience. This method, however, was widely criticized because of the subjectivity and the inevitable deformation of the content by the mere fact of mental tests. Radically different methodology proposed Behaviorism (John Watson) postulated study of man as a "black box" by analyzing the links arrive between stimuli and responses. Modern psychology has adopted a large part of the postulates of methodological behaviorism. The most important achievements of psychology (and related sciences) include:

Key nineteenth century and twentieth-century trends and schools of psychological

Other schools

See also


Source: Wikipedia EN