I'm sick. He feels that the każdym kolejnym przełknięciem śliny moje gardło znajduję się w miliard razy gorszym stanie niż wcześniej. Leże, śpię, wstaje, włączam komputer, wyłączam go, leżę, słucham muzyki, zasypiam, wstaje, czytam, oglądam....umieram w domu. Potrzebuję kontaktu ze światem i świeżego powietrza.
Naprawdę nie mam pojęcia o czym mogłabym Wam napisać. Ostatnio w moim życiu trochę się dzieję, a ja sama zastanawiam się nad różnymi sprawami. Nie wiem jak Was, ale mnie, osobiście interesują relacje damsko - męskie. Na pewno każdy oglądał romantic films, during which he wept and secretly dreamed of that, and he happened to like adventure. I wonder on what basis, I find two people and what guided the final selection. Sometimes I do not know themselves well enough. Then, guided by emotions, certain priorities, schemes, which they arrange themselves in their heads. Sometimes, so that mentally fit together as best as possible. Unfortunately, their perceptions of the partner or partner are slightly different. Both of them have created their ideals, and strongly desire to carry a person's of their dreams. She would like a high brunet with hair slightly drooping on his forehead, and he wants a slim blonde with perfect skin and long legs. At this point, the situation gets complicated, because in 50% of their current appearance is not equal to that for which both secretly thought. He would like to see his girlfriend were fully feminine. He drew her attention that smoking a cigarette in a way which does not correspond completely to him. - You should let the smoke long and gracefully, looking somewhere far away, in front of him with narrowed eyes, detached from reality. - She was surprised, because everyone around me saying that smoking a cigarette very sexy. He just bothered by it. This rather strange situation put it in a state of confusion. He also said that does not give him enough love, that should be more open before him. At that moment she felt very uncomfortable. In an earlier view other things were more important to her. They went for long walks, holding hands, could be a long time listening to music, talking ... At the same time they were closely and never any of them for that reason did not suffer. Now, with him, saw that otherwise, it has many disadvantages which previously would not have thought. For some time he listened to how much it is not feminine. Of course she was not expecting this type of comment, but decided that if it is possible to change. However, it will be doing things in spite of himself. Just what can it actually be useful in the future in some way correct. A cigarette smoking, or wearing the bag the wrong way on the back burner discontinued and disregard. the imagination of every man lies in his opinion the ideal image of women. But that does not mean that we have to change, so that in 90% percent reminiscent of the dream. Each of us is different and every thing delights. Not necessarily need a great figure, and an incredible sense of style. It seems to me that these things are important but not essential. Completely into the background leaving the intelligentsia as well as how to approach certain issues. Often, a man looks at a woman outside and adapts it to its surroundings. I can not understand their reasoning. I can not understand why everyone dreams about sex with an idealized woman. Why is often told, held on proximity relationships disintegrate. Why proximity is a marker and it must occur exactly when the man wants ... I think the trick is to understand your needs and expectations, but at the same time not to abandon the other person. Worth the wait, because then we can consider this as our serious mistake in life. Fortunately, there is a bunch of those men who think differently and not treat us in a completely superficial. A femininity does not necessarily manifest itself by painting red lipstick paragraph, or wearing tight dresses ....
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