posatram in this paper in such a way as possible to present a full and exhaustive five aspects which are the main guidelines of emotional intelligence. Also explains why they are important in the life of every person.
As is well known emotional intelligence is related terms like:
a) znajmosc own emotions
b) directing wlasymi emotions
c) the ability samomotywacji (Do not be discouraged adversity)
d) empathy
e) nawiazwywanie and maintaining relationships with other people
should be added that the last two aspects are among the categories of interpersonal skills , especially important in the social, private and working well.
specifics aspects of emotional intelligence
Znajmomosc wlasych emotions
With advanced knowledge of their own emotions - self-awareness, recognizing their own feelings - Feel a significant difference in time when emotions and negative zwalaszcza engulfed us. Unaware of the complexity of feelings that we have within us we are in their favor or disfavor. Unconsciousness does not allow us they deliberately target or subject to any control. People who can not recognize their own emotions are doing worse in my life, worse take a variety of life decisions. Managing emotions is based on systematically educated self-awareness. These include especially the ability to uspakajania, otrząsania of sadness, anxiety, irritability as well. People who have this skill is poorly educated must continue to struggle with negative feelings, they can not get up quickly after failures and setbacks. In a large generalization, we can conclude from this and other reasons may feel unhappy, because of the lack of full control over each other, and thus for his life, which for many people is a sign of weakness. It is clear that it is related with poor self-esteem.
Targeting wlasymi emotions
targeting with his own emotions, also referred to as samnoregulacje czli, control over their internal states, impulses and opportunities that is samokatrole. Samokatrola is also maintaining standards of honesty and integrity, diligence, flexibility in adapting to dynamic change, innovation, emotional. Self-regulation is related with the change atrubucji - assigning reasons - the data events. It can be internal or external, for those who choose the option depends only on us, and look at the situation now. It is important nieodnoszenie any niepowodzien only to themselves. People who have the ability, they can more quickly reach an equilibrium after defeats and failures.
ability to motivate the
This skill involves the subordination of emotion set goals, skills suppression of rage, during the deposition of satisfying the desire, ability and creative work. These are emotional tendencies that lead to new targets or facilitate their achievement, which is striving for achievement, commitment, initiative, as well as optimism.
Empathy Empathy
totermin denoting the ability of empathy in one's emotions. A person not having this ability is "blind" emotionally and can not assess or recognize emotional states of others. However, a person with this ability able on the basis of observations of behavior, facial expressions, body movements and manner of speech to guess the emotional state of the person under observation. This ability is extremely important in any more zazlych interpersonal contacts. Men of high empathy are great teachers, salespeople. Works perfectly on jobs involving caring, understanding, to help others. establish and maintain relationships with others, is the effect of driving other people's emotions. These capabilities ensure the popularity and sympathy of the environment, allow the fulfillment of the role of leaders.
N awiazwywanie and maintaining relationships with other people
Arts networking relies heavily on the ability to manage emotions of other people. People having these skills do well in all cases that rely on good relations with others, outright sparkle in these areas. It is also the ability to mitigate conflicts, leadership, cooperation and collaboration.
why the above aspects are important in life?
Knowledge of emotion poured
featuring a People et a high degree of competence in the knowledge that by emotions and why they feel, they are aware of the relationship between felt emotions and your own behavior, have recognized the impact is felt emotions on their own action, have their own objectives and message wartocsi. Have a sense of control over their own lives, and some kind of personal non-aggressive force. These people are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, tend to reflect and learn from experience, open to feedback, always ready to learn and develop, capable of watching myself, with humor and detachment.
Targeting wlasymi emotions
those persons featuring a high degree of competence in coping well with the sudden outbreak of the feelings and emotions niepokojcymi, keep calm and positive attitude in difficult situations, ability to retain a clear thinking and concentration, despite unfavorable okolicznocsi (pressure, pressure), they can be guided by their emotions (an ability to pacify August, otrzasania August with sadness, anxiety, irritability) .
ability to motivate the
individuals characterized by these skills strive for better performance or fulfillment of criteria for improvement. It is constantly learning and education in August, podwyszanie aspirations, putting their specific aims, zaseiganie reviews for her work among others. Also looking for ways to improve and wydajnoci effectiveness. These umijetnosc Lduzie featuring a highly oriented osiganie as good results, place the difficult targets, in search of information and constantly learn, are able to postpone gratification. They are highly appreciated at work, the motivation is cehca, whom many employers are looking for. Motivation is affiliated with optimism. Optimistic person continues to deniu for the purpose despite obstacles and failure, operate with the hope of success (not out of fear of defeat - which is very important in my view), analyze the failure to streamline further action.
sensitive empathetic people sana emotional signals and is able to truly see and hear, are characterized by wralioscia and understanding for other people, help the others, based on an understanding of their needs and feelings. Sense for other development needs and help develop their abilities. They are genuinely interested in others, sees the development of their capabilities, abilities and talents. Empathy is key to such feelings as love and friendship, which are absolutely essential in life.
Nawiazwywanie and maintaining relationships with other people
They are open in its dealings, he can just listen, they are present, self-possessed. Have developed network of knowledge before I really need a whole also counts in the world of business. Still up and maintain a vast network of powizan, look great of Trade, the agreement continues in old and adoption. Sa liked and respected in the law kazym environment in which they are located. People of this type creates an atmosphere zyczliwoci, mutual respect and cooperation. Also looking for opportunities to cooperate on the basis of the double win.
Author: Xavier M Szymura - Kmarex
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