Thursday, December 30, 2010

How Many Calories In A Home Made Pizza

Black Swan

clip probably does not require comment. It's great! When I watched it the first time knew just a light suspension in time.
*** Yesterday I watched the movie "Black Swan"

is mega good. For release is expected in mid January. I am lucky and I got him before his brother cousin. Yesterday I sat at the computer happy, and I started watching. The very beginning of surprised me, because it was dark and full of terror. After several minutes of my attitude to this film has changed 180 degrees since I was not prepared for some kind of horror. I was sure that this will be another movie about dancing lajtowy (in this case ballet), and the happy ending. Grossly mistaken. The camera "follows" the main character. In my head appeared muddle caused by another strange scenes and events. I had no idea how this movie ends. I watched as hypnotized. I was scared but I wanted to know the ending. Dobrnęłam to the end.
I have to watch that video. If only to see the incredible discipline that prevails in the schools of ballet, competition, access to the top of the corpses-all costs. Worth seeing what is happening with the psyche of girls who have succeeded and which must meet the requirements of choreographers and that sometimes doing something in spite of himself. Truly amazing experience.


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