Thursday, December 2, 2010

School Futanari English Doujin

Little dreams

What the you? I am functioning at mega speed. Sometimes, just focus on one things that I forget what is happening around me. Recently it is often sad, often I would find themselves in a completely different place. After quietly dreaming, to even a few days left to go and totally cut off from what is here beside me. I need a person who would have been a part of me. Person with whom I could talk at any time ...
I do not know what I want. I'm terrible and often cry ... so out of nothing. I miss you, although I know that, and so nothing will change, because that is the way of things. Something ends. Maybe it is that in life there się inne sytuacje, które coś odmienią, wniosą jakąś iskierkę, optymizm. Bo kluczem jest zostawienie tego, co było. Zazdroszczę tym, co to potrafią.  Osobiście chciałabym mieć wszystko w dupie. Po prostu robić co mi się podoba i iść do przodu, bez zbędnych przemyśleń i zahamowań.
Za 12 dni jedziemy z Michałem na casting. Trzymajcie kciuki :)
A wcześniej koncert Myslovitz z Patką. 
Nie mogę się doczekać. Chciałabym mieć już za sobą całe to maturalne zamieszanie. Chciałabym wakacje.
I dream of Paris. Although the weekend. I promised myself that I'll be back there.

A, and I'm very sick yesterday's finale Tap Madl. What I saw was so hopeless that I want to turn off the tv.
My favorite was Barry Smolińska. I think it's name and the name speaks for itself;)
Today I do not want for anything. I'm hungry, and I started to lose weight.
I am looking for inspiration.
leave you with this piece, really wonderful voice.


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