inevitability of conflict in relationships Interpersonal not subject to ongoing discussions for some time contact between two people, sooner or later makes sure there are differences in their desires, values, opinions, habits. That's what is good for one of the people, for the second will be unacceptable to people associated choć close emotional bonds yields very much, that's each of them remains an individual must fulfill its desire to maintain her tożsamość.Długotrwały close relationship between two people is not means that are absent in the conflict, but the partners can successfully tackle these problem behaviors partners interpersonal connection in a situation of conflict is the subject of attention in this article are interested in us what behaviors are most often taken in the conflicts of people closely related to, or between men and women in this field, there are some differences. We also want to look at pairs of people in relation to interpersonal and explore the links between the style of behavior in conflict, one of the other partner.
behavior in interpersonal conflict
behavior in conflict situations can be classified differently, Thomas (1976) stands out, cooperation, compromise, avoidance and adaptation to different systems determined by two desires to satisfy their own interests and wishes to meet other people. Peterson (1983) points to the behavior leading to relationship breakdown (separation) through domination, submission and compromise to reach consensus (complete agreement), and even deepen the bonds between the partners (structural improvement). Let
closer to characterize these four styles of behavior in the conflict. The attack aims at creating a threat to the interests of the partner. In general, it is revenge for the negative impact on the situation of the partner entity attack has lead to a weakening of the capability of the negative impacts of the other person or discourage it to another entity any adverse action. On the other hand, the attack could allow the realization of their own desires. Despite, or against the wishes of a partner in attack, this is the less efficient operations and effective partner to carry out their own plans. The purpose of defense is to protect their interests against the negative influence of the partner. In defense of the idea is to prevent further deterioration of their situation. Activities are focused on defending its own interests, but no harm is a partner (endangering his own interests) This is what the defense is different from attack. Defense is so intent on achieving their own, demanding the recognition of their position and also respect the rights of families, in spite of adversity or difficulties posed by the partner. Succumbing aims to satisfy a partner - is to be subject to adverse impacts to the partner company is succumbing to the abandonment of their intentions and allow the partner to realize his desires. It may be the result of a voluntary decision of the people when its interests are not considered so important that it was worth to bear the costs of a protracted conflict, or when maintenance of the link is considered to be important than continue to insist on his own. Behaviour type of attack, defense, and succumbing to qualify niekooperacyjnych behaviors that are not conducive to a constructive solution to the conflict, what causes more intensity, attack obviously, by harming the partner, the conflict intensifies between the partners. Defense, decided to defend its own interests by one of the people, by the other person is generally perceived sometimes as a form of attack, which contributes to the escalation of the conflict. Succumbing to its essence, although it is beneficial for the partner, is sometimes an incentive to increase the demands on the person undergoing that at some point become is not acceptable, and de, it appears that only a certain time delay the conflict and so well. Indulgence can also cause frustration in a person abandoning meet their wishes and in case of dissatisfaction lead to the accumulation of open conflict. In this context, cooperation is the only form of positive constructive behaviors that lead to overcome the difficulties and partners sharing mutual satisfaction. In conflict situations, each with its maze of participants presented different strategies to maintain - can cooperate, use peeled, or be attacked. Also as the developments of conflict are changing strategies used by the partners if they fail mostly taken up looking for other ways of action, leading to end the conflict
close interpersonal relationships are one of the major types of social relations to man There are a great source of joy and the great tragedies of their importance in human life is great (Argyle, 1988 Henderson, 1985) as partners so they cope in situations of conflict, the answer to this question constitutes the main objective of the research undertaken Research
The question was specific:
inevitability of conflict in relationships Interpersonal not subject to ongoing discussions for some time contact between two people, sooner or later makes sure there are differences in their desires, values, opinions, habits. That's what is good for one of the people, for the second will be unacceptable to people associated choć close emotional bonds yields very much, that's each of them remains an individual must fulfill its desire to maintain her tożsamość.Długotrwały close relationship between two people is not means that are absent in the conflict, but the partners can successfully tackle these problem behaviors partners interpersonal connection in a situation of conflict is the subject of attention in this article are interested in us what behaviors are most often taken in the conflicts of people closely related to, or between men and women in this field, there are some differences. We also want to look at pairs of people in relation to interpersonal and explore the links between the style of behavior in conflict, one of the other partner.
behavior in interpersonal conflict
behavior in conflict situations can be classified differently, Thomas (1976) stands out, cooperation, compromise, avoidance and adaptation to different systems determined by two desires to satisfy their own interests and wishes to meet other people. Peterson (1983) points to the behavior leading to relationship breakdown (separation) through domination, submission and compromise to reach consensus (complete agreement), and even deepen the bonds between the partners (structural improvement). Let
closer to characterize these four styles of behavior in the conflict. The attack aims at creating a threat to the interests of the partner. In general, it is revenge for the negative impact on the situation of the partner entity attack has lead to a weakening of the capability of the negative impacts of the other person or discourage it to another entity any adverse action. On the other hand, the attack could allow the realization of their own desires. Despite, or against the wishes of a partner in attack, this is the less efficient operations and effective partner to carry out their own plans. The purpose of defense is to protect their interests against the negative influence of the partner. In defense of the idea is to prevent further deterioration of their situation. Activities are focused on defending its own interests, but no harm is a partner (endangering his own interests) This is what the defense is different from attack. Defense is so intent on achieving their own, demanding the recognition of their position and also respect the rights of families, in spite of adversity or difficulties posed by the partner. Succumbing aims to satisfy a partner - is to be subject to adverse impacts to the partner company is succumbing to the abandonment of their intentions and allow the partner to realize his desires. It may be the result of a voluntary decision of the people when its interests are not considered so important that it was worth to bear the costs of a protracted conflict, or when maintenance of the link is considered to be important than continue to insist on his own. Behaviour type of attack, defense, and succumbing to qualify niekooperacyjnych behaviors that are not conducive to a constructive solution to the conflict, what causes more intensity, attack obviously, by harming the partner, the conflict intensifies between the partners. Defense, decided to defend its own interests by one of the people, by the other person is generally perceived sometimes as a form of attack, which contributes to the escalation of the conflict. Succumbing to its essence, although it is beneficial for the partner, is sometimes an incentive to increase the demands on the person undergoing that at some point become is not acceptable, and de, it appears that only a certain time delay the conflict and so well. Indulgence can also cause frustration in a person abandoning meet their wishes and in case of dissatisfaction lead to the accumulation of open conflict. In this context, cooperation is the only form of positive constructive behaviors that lead to overcome the difficulties and partners sharing mutual satisfaction. In conflict situations, each with its maze of participants presented different strategies to maintain - can cooperate, use peeled, or be attacked. Also as the developments of conflict are changing strategies used by the partners if they fail mostly taken up looking for other ways of action, leading to end the conflict
close interpersonal relationships are one of the major types of social relations to man There are a great source of joy and the great tragedies of their importance in human life is great (Argyle, 1988 Henderson, 1985) as partners so they cope in situations of conflict, the answer to this question constitutes the main objective of the research undertaken Research
The question was specific:
- What strategies behavior - attack, defense, yielding, cooperation partners take most intimate relationship in a situation of conflict?
- Are there differences between women and men in making specific strategies and behaviors in the conflict between the partners?
- Are they compared the behavior of strategies undertaken by both partners in a conflict situation?
study population comprised 33 pairs, or 66 people, which combined close interpersonal relationship. in relation to the formal (marriage) remained 17 subjects pairs; the relationship of the other 16 pairs of non-formal education was more than half of respondents (57.6%) were young people under 30 years old in age from 30 to 40 years was more than one quarter of respondents (27.3%) few people (15.1%) had a population of more than 40 at. Half of the respondents par (16) are compounds that lasts no more nit three years of 10 pairs remained in view ad 3 to 10 years, 7 pairs of compound lasted longer than 10 years More than half of the pairs studied (18) \\ not yet had children Zdecydowana większość badanych par była na etapie rozwoju i stabilizacji związku.
Narzedzia badawcze
Badania przeprowadzono specjalnie opracowanym narzędziem nazwanym Test Zachowań w Konflikcie. Podstawą budowy tego testu była klasyfikacja zachowań w sytuacji konfliktu, wyróżniająca cztery omówione już zachowania -współpraca, atak, obrona, uleganie (Balawaidor. 1992) Test ten składa się z czterech skal odpowiadającym wyodrębnionym zachowaniom. W skład każdej skali wchodzi 20 określeń. Na cały test składa się 20 zestawów stwierdzeń (po cztery w każdym). Stwierdzenia included in the Test were selected from a broader pool (170) statements that describe the behavior of people in conflict situations. This initial pool of statements was reviewed by competent referees who evaluated the usefulness of the statement to describe a specific style of behavior - cooperation, attack, defense, yielding. The task is to separate the person being tested (for each of the sets separately) 10 points among four statements included in the kit. Result of the person being tested in each of the scales is the sum of points awarded to the person, belonging to the findings are not located in a range from 0 to 200 based o wyniki osoby badanej uzyskane w czterech skalach można scharakteryzować jej indywidualny styl zachowania w sytuacji konfliktu z partnerem
Wyniki - preferowane strategie
Średnie wyniki uzyskane przez badanych (zamieszczone w tabeli 1) wskazują że najwięcej punktów przypisywanych jest stwierdzeniom 20 skali współpracy (94,9 punktu), następnie obrony (50,4 punktu), najmniej ataku (29,5 punktu) ulegania (24,8 punktu) Dane te wskazują, że najczęściej podejmowana jest przez badanych współpraca (generalnie stanowi ona 47,5% wszystkich zachowań) Mniejszą popularnością cieszy się obrona (25 % Behavior in conflict situations). Rarely undertaken in the attack (14.8%) or succumbing (12%). Illustrating a strong preference for cooperation in a conflict between the partners is different than the results obtained in other studies, where he was defensive dominance behavior - attacking (Balawajder 1992). This, however, the distribution of research results is due to the fact that participated in the study if they stand in close relation to interpersonal Denouncing about emerging conflicts in that regard. This fact explains the very high scores on a scale of cooperation behavior, in our situation conflict are the only ones that do not compromise the threat of disintegration due to a conflict of Being partners cooperate, they do not want to hurt your partner or injure a person with whom they are closely associated .. You could say that the merging partners' positive emotions are stronger than the destructive forces called in a conflict situation. Until these forces include the negative image of the other person appearing as a result of the conflict, experiencing negative emotions tend to have their negative impacts (Balawaider, 1994) Moreover, cooperation in conflict situations partners is also a close connection enhanced by the so-called common interest. Persons in close relationships have a lot of common desires and needs. Recognising the common area makes it easier to take action and character of cooperation.
differences between women and men use different strategies
As indicated by the results of the differences between women and men in the use of four strategies highlighted in the conflict behavior can be observed to take on defense, and less pronounced in the use of yielding. In the latter case, you can rather talk about giving a observed trend than a significant difference, in making co-operation and attack the differences between women men are not found it turns out, the women were more likely than men to apply the defense. Women probably feel worse so I do not attack your partner. Another plaintiffs taking behavior of a defense may be that women attach great importance to the emotional ties and will not pose a threat to the union, which could cause an attack. However, to achieve their goals in conflict often use strategies to defend Men slightly more often than women are willing to resolve conflict by yielding to the wishes of their partners. Men can look for another approach to matters of conflict. Perhaps some things are more important for women, while for men less then men are not interested in insisting on its position, because they do not attach much importance to it and is willing to give way to partner, demonstrating that the case is important for her. This greater tendency to indulge observed in males raises the prospect that while they wish to satisfy their partners, they are not willing to put effort and devote time to the means of cooperation to achieve a constructive solution to the conflict. The quickest solution is subject to the other person.
Tax consultants between the strategies adopted by partners
in the conflict behavior is exchanged between partners. The question then arises as policies przedsiębrane by one person affect the strategies undertaken by the partner. Is there in this respect some regularity turns out. that there is a significant association between the behavior of the parties co-operation partners conflict behavior of a collaboration of one partner positively correlated with the same kind of behavior in another person (the correlation coefficient of-0612) This result proves that if any of the partners will work is the second most likely to positively respond to it, or show their willingness to cooperate in reaching a constructive solution to the conflict, but if there is no such person who first takes the cooperation, the level of cooperative behavior in both partners, the conflict will remain at low levels. The second known dependence is the relationship between strategy making and strategy of cooperation partners attack in the conflict. It turned out that making the strategy of cooperation with one of the partners, negatively correlated with taking the strategy of attack in the second, regardless of gender (correlation co-operation between men and women is an attack - 440, while the correlation between the co-operation between women and men is an attack -. 487). This means that if any of the partners in the second attack decreases the tendency to cooperation.
analyzing the relationship between the strategies taken by both women and men sio observation suggests that the strategy of cooperation is qualitatively different from the strategy of defense and attack. In men, the correlation coefficient between cooperation and attack (- 877) and defense (- 599), and the author summarizes (- 4S6) is negative. Similarly, women - the coefficient of correlation between cooperation and attack (-. 825), and the defense (-. 793) also has a negative sign. An additional confirmation of the qualitative difference between cooperation and attack and defense are positive correlations between attack and defense (.562 for the group of women, for men 453). These results indicate that if someone in the conflict shall take the strategy for cooperation is not associated with its strategy of an attacking defense. Conversely, if a person is attacked or weapons, the less likely it is that will work with a partner. However, attack and defense can complement each other as strategies for resolving conflict
The studies reveal that the conflicts that occur between partners in close interpersonal relationships that appears most frequently is the co-operation strategy. Slightly less there is defense, but definitely rare attack is undertaken and pandering. Conflicts in interpersonal intimate relationships must be examined continually mindful of the strong emotional bonds between partners and value to all partners is their relationship with these particular reasons is the preferred strategy of cooperation as the best solution for both parties to the conflict. Women are more likely to defend these differences can explain the subjective feeling of weakness of women, which goes for the defensive attitude. In the conflict strategy is the only constructive cooperation. It is different from attack, defense, yielding, which can be described collectively as the behavior is not cooperative. Increasing cooperation reduces the propensity for cooperative behavior are not, and vice versa. The conflict can distinguish two general ways of reacting - a cooperative and cooperative. The latter may contain several different strategies-attack, defend, and pandering. The intention of the co-operative way of coping with conflict is to take the positive effects of a partner who helps to overcome the differences which divide. However, no cooperative activities are focused to eliminate or reduce the negative impacts Partner or surrender them when they do not see the possibility of objection or defense. Cooperative strategies are not taking part count by eliminating or neutralizing the negative impact of a partner will lead to resolution of the conflict. Behaviors partners are mutually dependent.
Author: Kinga The horse, the work improved
study population comprised 33 pairs, or 66 people, which combined close interpersonal relationship. in relation to the formal (marriage) remained 17 subjects pairs; the relationship of the other 16 pairs of non-formal education was more than half of respondents (57.6%) were young people under 30 years old in age from 30 to 40 years was more than one quarter of respondents (27.3%) few people (15.1%) had a population of more than 40 at. Half of the respondents par (16) are compounds that lasts no more nit three years of 10 pairs remained in view ad 3 to 10 years, 7 pairs of compound lasted longer than 10 years More than half of the pairs studied (18) \\ not yet had children Zdecydowana większość badanych par była na etapie rozwoju i stabilizacji związku.
Narzedzia badawcze
Badania przeprowadzono specjalnie opracowanym narzędziem nazwanym Test Zachowań w Konflikcie. Podstawą budowy tego testu była klasyfikacja zachowań w sytuacji konfliktu, wyróżniająca cztery omówione już zachowania -współpraca, atak, obrona, uleganie (Balawaidor. 1992) Test ten składa się z czterech skal odpowiadającym wyodrębnionym zachowaniom. W skład każdej skali wchodzi 20 określeń. Na cały test składa się 20 zestawów stwierdzeń (po cztery w każdym). Stwierdzenia included in the Test were selected from a broader pool (170) statements that describe the behavior of people in conflict situations. This initial pool of statements was reviewed by competent referees who evaluated the usefulness of the statement to describe a specific style of behavior - cooperation, attack, defense, yielding. The task is to separate the person being tested (for each of the sets separately) 10 points among four statements included in the kit. Result of the person being tested in each of the scales is the sum of points awarded to the person, belonging to the findings are not located in a range from 0 to 200 based o wyniki osoby badanej uzyskane w czterech skalach można scharakteryzować jej indywidualny styl zachowania w sytuacji konfliktu z partnerem
Wyniki - preferowane strategie
Średnie wyniki uzyskane przez badanych (zamieszczone w tabeli 1) wskazują że najwięcej punktów przypisywanych jest stwierdzeniom 20 skali współpracy (94,9 punktu), następnie obrony (50,4 punktu), najmniej ataku (29,5 punktu) ulegania (24,8 punktu) Dane te wskazują, że najczęściej podejmowana jest przez badanych współpraca (generalnie stanowi ona 47,5% wszystkich zachowań) Mniejszą popularnością cieszy się obrona (25 % Behavior in conflict situations). Rarely undertaken in the attack (14.8%) or succumbing (12%). Illustrating a strong preference for cooperation in a conflict between the partners is different than the results obtained in other studies, where he was defensive dominance behavior - attacking (Balawajder 1992). This, however, the distribution of research results is due to the fact that participated in the study if they stand in close relation to interpersonal Denouncing about emerging conflicts in that regard. This fact explains the very high scores on a scale of cooperation behavior, in our situation conflict are the only ones that do not compromise the threat of disintegration due to a conflict of Being partners cooperate, they do not want to hurt your partner or injure a person with whom they are closely associated .. You could say that the merging partners' positive emotions are stronger than the destructive forces called in a conflict situation. Until these forces include the negative image of the other person appearing as a result of the conflict, experiencing negative emotions tend to have their negative impacts (Balawaider, 1994) Moreover, cooperation in conflict situations partners is also a close connection enhanced by the so-called common interest. Persons in close relationships have a lot of common desires and needs. Recognising the common area makes it easier to take action and character of cooperation.
differences between women and men use different strategies
As indicated by the results of the differences between women and men in the use of four strategies highlighted in the conflict behavior can be observed to take on defense, and less pronounced in the use of yielding. In the latter case, you can rather talk about giving a observed trend than a significant difference, in making co-operation and attack the differences between women men are not found it turns out, the women were more likely than men to apply the defense. Women probably feel worse so I do not attack your partner. Another plaintiffs taking behavior of a defense may be that women attach great importance to the emotional ties and will not pose a threat to the union, which could cause an attack. However, to achieve their goals in conflict often use strategies to defend Men slightly more often than women are willing to resolve conflict by yielding to the wishes of their partners. Men can look for another approach to matters of conflict. Perhaps some things are more important for women, while for men less then men are not interested in insisting on its position, because they do not attach much importance to it and is willing to give way to partner, demonstrating that the case is important for her. This greater tendency to indulge observed in males raises the prospect that while they wish to satisfy their partners, they are not willing to put effort and devote time to the means of cooperation to achieve a constructive solution to the conflict. The quickest solution is subject to the other person.
Tax consultants between the strategies adopted by partners
in the conflict behavior is exchanged between partners. The question then arises as policies przedsiębrane by one person affect the strategies undertaken by the partner. Is there in this respect some regularity turns out. that there is a significant association between the behavior of the parties co-operation partners conflict behavior of a collaboration of one partner positively correlated with the same kind of behavior in another person (the correlation coefficient of-0612) This result proves that if any of the partners will work is the second most likely to positively respond to it, or show their willingness to cooperate in reaching a constructive solution to the conflict, but if there is no such person who first takes the cooperation, the level of cooperative behavior in both partners, the conflict will remain at low levels. The second known dependence is the relationship between strategy making and strategy of cooperation partners attack in the conflict. It turned out that making the strategy of cooperation with one of the partners, negatively correlated with taking the strategy of attack in the second, regardless of gender (correlation co-operation between men and women is an attack - 440, while the correlation between the co-operation between women and men is an attack -. 487). This means that if any of the partners in the second attack decreases the tendency to cooperation.
analyzing the relationship between the strategies taken by both women and men sio observation suggests that the strategy of cooperation is qualitatively different from the strategy of defense and attack. In men, the correlation coefficient between cooperation and attack (- 877) and defense (- 599), and the author summarizes (- 4S6) is negative. Similarly, women - the coefficient of correlation between cooperation and attack (-. 825), and the defense (-. 793) also has a negative sign. An additional confirmation of the qualitative difference between cooperation and attack and defense are positive correlations between attack and defense (.562 for the group of women, for men 453). These results indicate that if someone in the conflict shall take the strategy for cooperation is not associated with its strategy of an attacking defense. Conversely, if a person is attacked or weapons, the less likely it is that will work with a partner. However, attack and defense can complement each other as strategies for resolving conflict
The studies reveal that the conflicts that occur between partners in close interpersonal relationships that appears most frequently is the co-operation strategy. Slightly less there is defense, but definitely rare attack is undertaken and pandering. Conflicts in interpersonal intimate relationships must be examined continually mindful of the strong emotional bonds between partners and value to all partners is their relationship with these particular reasons is the preferred strategy of cooperation as the best solution for both parties to the conflict. Women are more likely to defend these differences can explain the subjective feeling of weakness of women, which goes for the defensive attitude. In the conflict strategy is the only constructive cooperation. It is different from attack, defense, yielding, which can be described collectively as the behavior is not cooperative. Increasing cooperation reduces the propensity for cooperative behavior are not, and vice versa. The conflict can distinguish two general ways of reacting - a cooperative and cooperative. The latter may contain several different strategies-attack, defend, and pandering. The intention of the co-operative way of coping with conflict is to take the positive effects of a partner who helps to overcome the differences which divide. However, no cooperative activities are focused to eliminate or reduce the negative impacts Partner or surrender them when they do not see the possibility of objection or defense. Cooperative strategies are not taking part count by eliminating or neutralizing the negative impact of a partner will lead to resolution of the conflict. Behaviors partners are mutually dependent.
Author: Kinga The horse, the work improved
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