Psychology Psychological Definitions - Definitions (Part 1)
first Social psychology is the scientific study of how we think, feel and behave under the influence of real or imagined presence of others, focus on what makes that even intelligent and powerful individuals committing serious mistakes, faced with conflicting advice in relation to decisions of great importance.
second Construct is the way people perceive, understand and interpret the social world.
third Individual differences are the components of personality that differentiate us from other people.
4th Sociology provides general laws and theories of society, not individuals;
5th Social psychology examines the psychological processes that appear when people are staying together, which makes it susceptible to social influence;
6th Examines the psychology of personality characteristics that make individuals unique and different from each other.
7th Fundamental attribution error (Ross) is the tendency to overestimate the extent to which behavior is the result of tracking the impact of disposal of the Interior, and devalue the role of situational factors.
8th Behaviorism: school of psychology, which asserts that to understand human behavior, you need only consider the rewarding properties of the environment - that is it, how positive and negative events in the environment are associated with specific behaviors.
9th Gestalt psychology - school of psychology emphasizing the importance of the subjective test of how the object appears in the minds of people, rather than undergo testing only objective, physical characteristics of the object.
10th Self-evaluation is making people estimate the values \u200b\u200bthemselves, ie size, which perceive themselves as good, competent and decent.
11th Exploring social issues: how people think about themselves and about the social world, and exactly as selects, interpret, remember and use social information and the issuance of court decisions.
12th Observation is a form of systematic observation method, in which the observer is a trained social scientist who joins the answers to the questions relating to a particular social phenomenon, observing and coding them in accordance with the previously set criteria.
13th Participant observation is a form of systematic observation, in which observer interacts with those observed in human beings, but tries not in any way influence the situation.
14th Archival analysis is a form of systematic observation, in which the researcher observes social behavior by examining accumulated in a given culture, or archival documents (eg, memoirs, novels, magazines or newspapers).
15th Compatibility of judges competent to the degree of compliance between two people or more persons who act independently observe and encode the data group, by showing that two or more independent experts observing and coding comes to the same observations, the researchers ensure that these observations are subjective, distorted impressions of the individual.
16th Correlation method is a method, which is measured systematically the two variables or more, and to estimate the relationship between them (ie the extent possible to predict the value of one of them on the basis of the other).
17th This is a positive correlation relationship between two variables, which increase the value of one variable is accompanied by increases in value the other variable.
18th This negative correlation, this relationship between two variables, which increase the value of one variable is accompanied by decrease in the value of another variable.
19th Randomization is a way of ensuring the representativeness of the population selected for the sample group to ensure that each unit forming part of the population has the same chance to appear in the sample.
20th The experimental method is a method of testing causal relationships, the researcher randomly assigns participants to different experimental situations and ensure that those situations are identical in all respects except one, identified by the independent variable (the researcher expects the sole condition that that will have a causal impact on people's reactions.)
21st Independent variable is a variable that differentiates the researcher change or to determine whether it has an impact on some other variable, the researcher expects that this particular variable will cause changes to some other variable.
22nd The dependent variable is a variable that the researcher measured in order to determine whether an impact on the independent variable, researchers hypothesized that the dependent variable zalepy the level of the independent variable.
23rd The plan is a multifactorial experimental plan, which takes into account the more than one independent variable and each independent variable has more than one version or level, all possible combinations of these levels appear in the research.
24th Relevance is inside making sure that nothing more than an independent variable can not affect the dependent variable, it is realized by controlling the effects of all variables, and by random assignment of all tested various experimental conditions.
25th Random assignment of the situation is making sure that all subjects have the same chance to assign to the situation in the experiment, with random assignment of such a situation a researcher can be relatively confident that the differences in the personalities of the experiment participants or their prior experiences are evenly distributed to all situations.
26th External Relevance is the degree to which research results can be generalized to other situations and other people.
27th Situational Realism is the degree to which the experimental situations are similar to the situation encountered in everyday life.
28th Psychological realism is the extent to which controlled the experiment the psychological processes are similar to psychological processes occurring in everyday life, psychological realism can be high even when the situational realism is small.
29th User masking is a description of the research presented to participants, which differs from the true purpose of these studies, masking instruction is used in order to preserve the psychological realism.
30th Repeatability is a repetition of research, often involving people from other populations, or in other conditions.
31st Experiments in natural conditions, experiments carried out in a more real life than in the laboratory.
32nd Basic research is research poto designed to give the best answer to the question of why people behave as they behave, and conducted exclusively for cognitive curiosity.
33rd Applied research is research designed specifically to address a specific social problem, the creation of the theory of behavior is usually secondary to solving a specific problem.
34th Allowing participants to clarify the nature of the experiment the test before it starts, and obtain their consent to participate in this experiment.
35th Masking is a misrepresentation of the experiment participants or disguise the true purpose of their research or events that actually occurred.
36th Session to explain the disclosure of research participants after the experiment, its purpose and a clear explanation of what happened.
37th Cognitive dissonance is a feeling of discomfort caused by the drive, originally defined as a consequence of maintaining two or more together nizgodnych cognitive elements, then described as a consequence of involvement in the action that is inconsistent with the concept of themselves as decent and reasonable person.
38th Elements of cognitive thoughts, feelings, beliefs or knowledge about something.
39th Podecyzyjny dissonance is a dissonance, which is inevitably raised after the decision. In this case, the dissonance is usually eliminated by increasing the attractiveness of choice alternatives and rejected alternatives to devaluation.
40th Low-ball technique is unscrupulous strategy by which the seller invites the client to agreed to buy the product at a very low price, then claims that it was a mistake, and bear the price, often the customer agrees to purchase the zawyżnej price.
41st The concept I have is the sum of all knowledge about taking into account the identity, capabilities and roles.
42nd The validation effort is occurring in humans tend to increase the assessment of what worked so hard to achieve it.
43rd External justification to explain what gives a person for his dysonansowego behavior, indicating the reason for that lies outside itself (for example, if someone does something to get the big prize, or to avoid harsh punishment).
44th Justification is the elimination of internal discord by making some changes on its own (eg his attitude or behavior.)
45. Defense positions contrary to his own attitude is a process that occurs when someone expresses an opinion or attitude contrary to his personal belief or attitude.
46th The theory of maintaining self-esteem is a theory which says that the idea of \u200b\u200bus could be at risk zachowaniem the other person and that the size of this threat affects both how the person bliskajest nam, and the importance to preserve it for our concept of self.
47th Self-affirmation theory is a theory suggesting that people will eliminate the impact of dissonance excitation threat to their self-esteem by confirming its competence in the field, which is not associated with risk.
48th Samopotwierdzania theory is a theory suggesting that people have the need to validate your idea, I, regardless of whether this concept is positive or negative, in some cases, this trend may be in conflict with the increases, self-esteem and self justifying.
49th Puławka rationalize this as a result of actions caused by the reduction of dissonance excuses that will eventually run out of chain ludicrous and immoral actions.
50th Whitewashing himself is the tendency to justify their own actions in order to sustain their self-esteem.
51st Social cognition is the way people think about themselves and about the social world, and more specifically, as selects, interpret, remember and use social information and the issuance of court decisions.
52nd Saving is a cognitive theory which says that people learn to use effectively the intellectual and practical simplification of commonsense rules that help them understand the social reality because they are not able to affected the whole process their information public.
53rd Schemas are cognitive structures through which people organize their knowledge about the world according to certain themes, patterns strongly influence what we see from the received information, what we think and what would later remember.
54th Accessibility is the ease with which we can realize a variety of thoughts and ideas, the idea of \u200b\u200baccessible is one that is being made aware, or which can easily be recalled to consciousness.
55th Excitation pattern under the influence of events preceding increase in the availability chart under the influence of what was directly experienced before.
56th Hostile media phenomenon is the discovery that each of antagonicznych, heavily involved in the group sees something neutral, balanced communications media as the enemy, because the media did not provide facts in a unilateral basis, as antagonists "know" that it is true.
57th The effect of priority is the process through which our first impression concerning another person affects her subsequent behavior is interpreted in a manner compatible with that first impression.
58th The effect of persistence is the discovery that people's beliefs about themselves and the social world persist even if the data supporting these beliefs were challenged.
59th Self-fulfilling prophecy is a phenomenon that people: a) they have certain expectations of another person, (b) influences their behavior against that person (c) means that it behaves in a manner consistent with their expected output .
60th Heuristics are simplified the issue of judicial inference rules that they use people to spend the courts in a timely and efficient manner.
61st Heuristics is the availability of informal mental rule, under which people seem to the court, guided by how easily you can bring anything to the consciousness.
62nd Heuristics of representativeness simplified method of inference which consists in the fact that something classification is based on the degree of similarity to the typical.
63rd Information on the proportion of basic information about the prevalence in the population of the representatives of the various categories.
64th Heuristics anchor / adjustment is simplified inference method, which relies on posłuszeniu to a number or value as a starting point and then to formulate answers to the question by modifying this value, which is anchoring: people often do not modify it sufficiently.
65th Inference from a non-representative sample to make generalizations based on sampling information, which are known to be biased or unusual.
66th Estimation of co-variableness is evaluating the extent to which two variables are correlated, ie prediction of one variable (eg, how friendly the person) based on another variable (for example, that person's sex.)
67th Correlation of apparent is the belief that two variables are correlated, when in fact it is not, it follows from the scheme, under which there is a link between them.
68th Over-confidence is a barrier too great confidence in the accuracy of their courts, generally they are not as accurate for what they are adopted.
69th Non-verbal communication is the way people communicate, intentionally or unintentionally, without words, nonverbal indicators include facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures, body positions and movements, touch and gaze.
70th The rules of disclosure is culturally determined rules stipulating that non-verbal behavior suitable for disclosure.
71st Emblems are nonverbal gestures in a given culture are well defined, are usually direct their verbal counterparts, as a sign OK.
72nd Social role theory is a theory which says that gender differences appear in social behavior arise from the social division of labor between the sexes, this distinction leads to differences in expectations towards gender roles and gender-related skills that determine differences in social behavior between men and women.
73rd Hidden patterns of personality theory is that people use to group different types of personality traits, for example, many people believe that if someone is polite, it is also generous.
74th Attribution theory to identify how people explain their reasons for such behavior and the behavior of other people.
75th Internal attribution to the inference that a person behaved in a certain way, both because of its properties, as well as attitude, character or personality.
76th External attribution to conclude that a person behaved in a certain way because of the characteristics of a situation in which it was, it is assumed here that in this situation, most people are responsive in the same way.
77th The theory of the factors associated wniokowania a theory according to which we make internal attributions for a person if: 1) there nieiwele nietożsamych consequences of its conduct, 2) the behavior is unexpected.
78th Results nietożsame a specific course of action consequences, which could not occur the alternative action.
79th Expectations are based on expectations for the category of people based on characteristics of the groups to which these people belong to, for example, the expectation that someone loves going to parties, because it belongs to the association of lovers of the female admissions or sorority.
80th Expectations based on the expectations of the facility to a person, based on its wcześciejszych activities, such as the expectation that someone goes on holiday to the beach because it usually went to the beach in the past.
81st Model co-variableness is a concept by which we make causal attributions for a person on the basis of facts which vary with the behavior, such as how far someone's dance becomes nizdarny only when dancing with this, and no other partner.
82nd Compliance information is information about this, the extent to which other people behave towards those same incentives as well, as does the actor.
83rd Selectivity information is information saying that the extent to which the actor behaves in the same way to different stimuli.
84th Consistency information is information telling about the degree to which the behavior of any actor to a specific stimulus is the same despite the passage of time and other circumstances.
85th Fundamental attribution error is the tendency to overestimate internal factors pertinent to the disposal, and devalue the role of the situation.
86th Perceptual clarity of the information, which focuses our attention, people are inclined to overestimate the role of information przyczyniową, which is distinct spostrzeżeniowo.
87th The difference between the actor and the observer: the tendency to perceive the behavior of other people as a consequence of their use, while his own behavior is explained by the influence of situational factors.
88th Attributions in the service of ego is the explanations that attribute the success of which depends on factors internal use, for failures and blame external factors belonging to the situation.
89th Defensive attributions to explain behavior, which allows to suppress the awareness that one is mortal and prone to injury.
90th Unrealistic optimism is a form of defensive attribution involving the conviction of people that good things happening to them rather than their partners, and the bad meet others rather than themselves.
91st Belief in a just world is a form of defensive attribution, where it is assumed that the evil touching evil men, but the good meets good.
92nd The concept of our content is I, I, that our perception of our own thoughts, beliefs and personality traits.
93rd Introspection is a process in which a man looks into his house and examine their thoughts, feelings and motives.
94th The theory of self-awareness is the concept of accepting that when a person focuses on himself, he begins to evaluate their own behavior and compare them with its internal norms and values.
95th The theory of causation is a theory concerning the causes of our feelings and behaviors, many of these theories one can learn how the culture in which we live (eg, "foster a feeling of separation).
96th Amendment stance due to the search causes a change of attitude which is a consequence of thinking about the causes of own attitudes, people assume the compatibility of their attitudes to the causes that appear to be reliable and easy to verbalize.
97th Damping is trying not to think about something, research shows that the more people try not to allow themselves some thought, the more it appears just the thought in their heads.
98th Self perception theory is a theory suggesting that when you're unsure of our attitudes and feelings, or they are ambiguous, we conclude with them, observing their own behavior and the situation in which it appears.
99th Facial feedback hypothesis is a hypothesis proclaims that his own facial expressions may determine the emotion that is experienced.
100th Zoom out to underestimate the effect of one cause of our behavior, when a different cause jest szczególnie wyrazista i łatwo dostrzegalna.
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