Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Projecteur Sony Kp 7220
first Internal Motivation to engage in any activity because it gives us pleasure, or arouses our interest and not through external pressure or external benefits.
second External Motivation to engage in any activity due to external pressure or external benefits, not because they perform the task makes us happy or arouses our interest.
third The effect of over-justification is the phenomenon of perception their actions as caused by external factors and convincing underestimate the weight of internal factors.
4th Two-factor theory of emotion is a concept whereby the experience of emotion is the result of a two-phase process of perception itself - first, people will experience physiological arousal, and then seek an appropriate explanation for it, if you attribute this excitation source mającemu emotional nature, experiencing an appropriate emotion (eg, if you explain your own stimulation of the fact that someone is aiming a gun at them, feeling the fear).
5th Erroneous determination of the causes excitation is inappropriate to assign their own source of excitation, the consequence is false or excessively strong emotion.
6th I have Diagrams are based on our past experience to organize the structure of knowledge about ourselves that help us understand, explain and predict their behavior.
7th Autobiographical memory is a memory content for your own thoughts, feelings and behaviors in the past.
8th I reflected a perception of yourself through the eyes of other people and enable their views to their own concept of self.
9th Social comparison theory is a concept whereby we get to know their own abilities and attitudes by comparing with other people.
10th Social comparison is up comparing yourself with people who place higher than us in some capacity or features, to determine the standard of excellence.
11th Down Social Comparisons are comparing yourself with people who place the following in some capacity or features, aimed at obtaining a greater sense of smugness.
12th Self-presentation is an attempt to communicate through our speech, nonverbal behavior and activities, or who we are who we want to be regarded by others.
13th Targeting impressed with this conscious or unconscious arranging a carefully constructed presentation of I, which produce a certain impression in others, consistent with our objectives and needs in social interaction.
14th Ingracjacja is the process that people flatter a person, often of higher status, praise her and generally trying to arouse her sympathy for each other.
15th Promoting yourself is the process that people are trying to have a positive impression on others, describing manifesting their talents and their knowledge.
16th Bask in the glory of others are striving to improve their own image by tying up with people who have achieved success or are famous.
17th Creating excuses for a possible failure to create obstacles and coming up with excuses for myself, that in case of failure to have a ready explanation.
18th Conformity is a change in behavior due to real or imagined influence of other people.
19th Informational social influence to impact other people, which leads us to conformism, as we perceive them as source of information, providing guidance for our behavior, we adjust, because we believe that someone else's interpretation of ambiguous situation is more correct than ours.
20th Private acceptance of this adjustment to maintain the strength of other people without any real conviction that what they do or say is right.
21st Public conformity to adapt to the public behavior of other people without faith in what we do or say.
22nd Induction of a rapid spread of emotion or behavior in the crowd.
23rd Psychosis is a crowd, the appearance of a group of people of similar physical symptoms with no known physical causes.
24th Social norms is a latent or clearly defined rules for acceptable behavior groups, values \u200b\u200band beliefs of its members.
25th Normative social influence to impact other people, which leads us to conformism, because they want to be liked and accepted.
26th Unreflective conformism to obey internalized social norms, not to reflect on their actions.
27th Norma is a social norm of reciprocity, which states that if you get something good from another person, you are obliged to repay the same (keep the same).
28th Social influence theory is a theory according to which to adapt to the social impact depends on the strength, immediacy, and number of other people in the group.
29th Credit of trust is confidence that for a long time a man gets, adjusting to group norms, and when trust gets tired, maybe (if there's a chance) to maintain a breach of the standards, without the threat of retaliation from the group.
30th Effect of minorities is a case in which a minority group members affect the behavior or the beliefs of the majority.
31st Attitude is continued evaluation (positive or negative) of people, objects and concepts.
32nd The emotional component of the emotions and feelings that people associate with the object attitude.
33rd Cognitive component of attitude is people's beliefs about the properties of the object attitude.
34th Behavioral component of attitude is the attitude of people towards the object.
35th Communication is a persuasive message (such as speech or television advertising) convincingly to take a stand on the matter.
36th Program devoted to study at Yale Uniwesytetu change attitudes is to examine the conditions under which people are most willing to change their attitudes in response to persuasive communications; researchers focus on this, "who says what and to whom," that is the source of the message, the nature of communication and the nature of the recipient.
37th Model to develop a theory of probabilities, which assumes that there are two ways to change attitudes through persuasive communications, a central strategy occurs when people have the motivation and ability to focus on the arguments contained in the press; peripheral strategy occurs when people do not focus their Given the arguments, but are influenced by superficial characteristics (such as who is the sender).
38th The central strategy of persuasion is a case in which people analyze the persuasive message, carefully listening to and considering the arguments, this strategy arises when people have both the capacity and motivation to listen carefully to the message.
39th PERIPHERAL strategy of persuasion is a case where people do not analyze arguments in persuasive communication, but are under the influence of peripheral clues.
40th Personal relevance is the extent to which a case has significant implications for human well-being.
41st Announcements fear is of very persuasive communications that attempt to change the attitudes of the people by inducing fear in them.
42nd The attitude is based on knowledge This attitude is based primarily on the beliefs of people about the properties of the object attitude.
43rd The attitude is based on emotions is an attitude based more on feelings and values \u200b\u200bof the people than on beliefs about the nature of the object attitude.
44th Classical conditioning is the case, the stimulus that causes an emotional response is repeatedly experienced with the neutral stimulus which does not produce such a reaction until they become emotional characteristics of the first stimulus.
45th Instrumental conditioning is a case in which the frequency of behavior or taken freely rising or falling, depending on whether followed by positive reinforcement or punishment.
46th The attitude is based on maintaining an attitude based on the observation of how we behave towards the attitude object.
47th Availability of attitude is the strength of the relationship between the object and evaluation of this facility, availability is sometimes measured in which people can answer the question, what they feel to a question, or the object.
48th Immunisation attitudes is to make people immune to attempts to change their attitudes when applied to them through the initial low dose of arguments contrary to their position.
49th The theory of reactance (opposition to) is a concept which holds that freedom of choice okreżlonego threat behavior causes excitation of the opposition to the unpleasant, people can reduce this condition by engaging in risk behavior.
50th Theory is a theory wyrozumowanego action claiming that the best basis for predicting the planned, deliberate behaviors are attitudes of people towards a particular behavior and their subjective norms.
51st Subjective norms are beliefs about how other people, of which the opinion of the count, evaluate the specific conduct.
52nd The effect of frequency of contacts is a phenomenon that the more we see and contact with another person, the greater the likelihood that it will be our friend.
53rd Pure exposure effect is the phenomenon that the more we are exposed to stimulus exposure, the more we are inclined to like this stimulus.
54th Profit-loss effect is the phenomenon that the more we like the person, the more effort we had put in a change in its original opinion about us (ie not well-liked at the beginning of knowledge we are now well-liked), while the less we like the person, their more sympathy we have lost its original (ie if at the beginning of knowledge we liked, and now we do not like).
55. Social exchange theory: the theory that assumes that what people think about his relationship with another person, depending on how the perceive rewards that gives them this relationship, the costs to which a compromise to which (they believe) deserve and what the relationship is (they believe) likely to establish better relations with someone else.
56th A benchmark is a balance sheet (expressed in terms of costs and rewards), we expect from the union.
57th The comparative benchmark is the balance (expressed in terms of costs and rewards), we expect from a given compound, in comparison with another possible compound.
58th Theory is a theory of equality, in which it is assumed that people feel happiest in relationships where both costs and benefits which the participation of one of the parties are roughly the same as the costs and benefits attributable to the other side.
59th Brotherly love is a feeling of ownership, proximity to the other person not accompanied by passion or physical stimulation.
60th Erotic love is an intense longing for another person, accompanied by physiological arousal, and when everything is good (second page also loves us) are experiencing tremendous fulfillment and ecstasy, and when not to - we feel deep sorrow and despair.
61st Three-way concept of love is a concept whereby a state of love is comprised of three basic elements: feelings of intimacy, passion and commitment.
62nd The investment model of relationship is a theory, which assumes that what people seek in a particular relationship depends on the satisfaction, which gives them; satisfaction defined in terms of rewards, costs, and benchmark and comparative benchmark and investment that lose when you withdraw from this union.
63rd Exchange relations are interpersonal relations based on the need for equality (ie the need to compensate for cost-benefit ratio).
64th Relationships donations are compounds in which people are concerned primarily about meeting the needs of another person.
65th Attachment style to the expectations that people form the contacts with other people, waiting is the result of such ties between their first and their caregivers as babies.
66th Attachment style based on a sense of security is a way of attachment to another person, whose characteristic is trust, lack of fear of rejection and the awareness that this is a valuable and well liked person.
67th Attachment style is based on avoiding a style attachment to another person, which features an attenuation of the need to establish intimate contact with this person, because the implementation of this need was not successful, the people, which is characteristic of this style of attachment, with difficulty form close contacts with others.
68th Anxiety-ambivalent attachment style is a style attachment the other person, which is characterized by a concern due to the uncertainty of whether the other person responds to the need to establish intimate contact, resulting in a higher than average level of anxiety.
69th Pro-social Behavior is any action aimed at bringing benefits to another person.
70th Sociobiology is the perspective in which social phenomena are explained using the law of evolution.
71st Kin selection is a concept whereby an individual's behavior to protect the lives of people related to it are preserved through the mechanism of natural selection.
72nd Standard wzajemności to założenie, że inni będą nas traktować w ten sam sposób, w jaki my ich traktujemy (np. jeżeli pomożemy jakiemuś człowiekowi, to w przyszłości on pomoże nam).
73. Teoria wymiany społecznej to przekonanie, w którym przyjmuje się, że dwie zasady: zasada maksymalizacji zysków i zasada minimalizacji kosztów najlepiej wyjaśniają społeczne relacje.
74. Altruizm to każde działanie ukierunkowane na niesienie korzyści drugiej osobie z pominięciem własnego interesu; często człowiek angażując się w takie działania, ponosi określone koszty.
75. Empatia to zdolność to place themselves on the spot the other person and receive a similar event occurring and the feeling similar emotions (eg joy and sadness).
76th Empathy-altruism hypothesis is the belief that the empathy felt the other person tends to lend her support regardless of the consequences of actions taken.
77th Altruistic personality is a personality that is characterized by a tendency to help others.
78th The hypothesis of reducing the negative emotional state is the belief that people involved in helping others to get rid of their sadness and despondency.
79th Overload hypothesis Urban is the belief that urban dwellers, defending himself against excessive stimulation, which provides them with city life, they tend to close in on itself and avoiding contact with other people.
80th The effect of this relationship involving the viewer in the fact that the more witnesses of an emergency, the less there is a chance that any of them will intervene.
81st Accumulation of ignorance is a phenomenon in the sense that witnesses an emergency, each observing their indifference, to interpret the incident as minor and not requiring intervention.
82nd Dispersal responsibility is a phenomenon in the sense that with increasing number of casual witnesses reduced sense of responsibility for developments.
83rd Action is aggressive behavior intended to cause psychological or physical injury.
84th Aggression is a hostile act of aggression preceded by a feeling of anger, which aims to infliction of pain or injury.
85th Instrumental aggression is an act of aggression of achieving another goal beyond the task of pain or injury.
86th Eros is the instinct of life, the concept found in Freudian theory.
87th Thanatos is in accordance with Freud's theory - the death instinct, impulse responsible for man's aggressive tendencies.
88th Hydraulic theory is a theory according to which emotions are not released are cumulative and cause tension outgoing when it comes to the expression of repressed emotions.
89th The amygdala is an area in the cortex which is linked to manifestations of aggression.
90th Testosterone is a hormone which is linked to manifestations of aggression.
91st Frustration-aggression theory is a theory according to which present obstacles in achieving the desired goal of increasing the likelihood of aggressive response.
92nd This sense of relative deprivation unit (Or social group) that has less than it deserves, or less than that allowed it to expect, or less than having people like her.
93rd Triggering stimulus is the object of aggression commonly associated with aggressive actions (eg, gun), its presence increases the likelihood of acts of aggression.
94th Social learning theory is a theory according to which the learning of social behavior is through observation and imitation of other people.
95th Catharsis is a term defining the phenomenon of aggressive release of stored energy through physical activity, observation of aggressive behavior people or committing a deed bearing the same signs of aggression, such "release steam" decreases the likelihood of taking aggressive action in the future.
96th Dehumanisation is the process of depriving the victims of human traits and deprecjonowaniu its value (eg when the word "man" be replaced with the term "yolk"); dehumanization lowers resistance to making acts of aggression and makes the time taken in subsequent aggression facilitates this type of behavior and significantly increases probability of its occurrence.
97th Prejudice is a hostile or negative attitude towards distinguished group of people based solely on their membership in this group.
98th A stereotype is a generalization relating to the group in which identical characteristics are assigned to all its members, without exception, regardless of the real differences between them.
99th Discrimination is not justified, negative or prejudicial action against a member of the group, simply because it belongs to it.
100th Own group is the group to which an individual identifies with and feels a member.
one hundred and first Stranger Group is a group with which the entity is not identifies.
102nd Partiality towards one's own group is a particularly positive feelings and preferential treatment to people they described as part of our own group, while negative feelings and unfair treatment of others as belonging to a foreign group.
103rd Group minimum is insignificant group formed by a grouping of strangers on the basis of trivial criteria, however, the word minimum membership continues to be a bias towards a group of their own.
104th Uniformity is a group of foreign perception of those who belong to a group of foreign exchange, as more similar to each other (homogeneous) than in reality and also more similar to each other than members of their own.
105th Correlation of apparent is the tendency for the perception of relationships or correlations between events that are not related.
106th Model buchalteryjny is information inconsistent with the stereotype, leading to the transformation of this stereotype.
107th Model przekształceniowy is information inconsistent with the stereotype, leading to radically change the stereotype.
108th Stereotypical model of educating lower-order information is inconsistent with the stereotype, leading to the creation of the stereotype of a lower order, in order to assimilate this information, without having to change the initial stereotype.
109. Marginal error of attribution is a tendency to deal with the disposal of the attribution of the entire group of people.
110th Blaming the victim is a tendency to blame the people (to make attributions of disposal) for it, and they become victims, and primarily motivated by the desire to believe in it, that the world is fair.
111th Actual conflict theory is a theory according to which resource limitation can lead to conflict between groups that gave rise to increased prejudice and discrimination.
112th Finding a scapegoat is a tendency people when they are frustrated or unhappy, to move aggression against groups that are not popular or weak, and stand out in a visible manner.
113th Institutionalised racism is recognized by the racist attitudes of most of us, because we live in a society where stereotypes and discrimination are the norm.
114th Institutionalized sexism that discriminate against women be recognized by the attitude of most of us, because we live in a society where stereotypes and discrimination are the norm.
115th Conformity to standards is a tendency to niewychylania from the group in order to fulfill its expectations and gain acceptance.
116th Contemporary racism is prejudice ujawniane w subtelny i niebezpośredni sposób, ponieważ ludzie nauczyli się ukrywać swe uprzedzenia, by uniknąć posądzenia o rasizm.
117. Wzajemna zależność to sytuacja, gdy dwie grupy lub więcej grup potrzebuje siebie nawzajem i musi na sobie polegać, by osiągnąć cel, który jest ważny dla każdej z nich.
118. Klasa mieszana to takie zorganizowanie miejsc w klasie, by sprzyjało redukowaniu uprzedzeń i podnosiło samoocenę dzieci, poprzez umieszczenie ich w małych, zdesegregowanych grupach i spowodowanie, by każde dziecko w grupie musiało polegać na pozostałych, chcąc nauczyć się bieżącego materiału and function well in the classroom.
119th Memorizing is a process by which people notice and are directing their attention to information from the environment, because people can not perceive everything that is happening around them, and therefore absorb only a portion of the information available in the environment.
120th Storage is the process by which people retain in memory information gleaned from the environment.
121st Reminded that the process by which people recall information stored in memory.
122nd Memory is a reconstructive process of making that the memory of the event is distorted by the information that reaches us after the event.
123rd Erroneous determination of the source is wrong to identify the source of our memory representations (eg belief that recognize the man, because I saw him at the crime scene while actually recognize it, because I saw his picture in the newspaper).
124th Poligraf is a device that measures physiological responses (eg heart rate) when the typographer is used to detect the lies, the investigator tries to determine whether someone is lying, observing the physiological responses corresponding to those questions.
125th Testing the market through cable television is a technique used to test the effectiveness of advertising when the advertiser, in agreement with the centers of cable television and grocery stores, show ads randomly selected groups of people, and then examine whether these people are more likely to buy advertised products than those who have not watched those ads.
126th Subliminal messages are words or images that are not consciously perceived, but are reported to influence the courts, attitudes and behavior.
127th The technique of door-to-face technology to people to indulge request, which consists in the fact that people are first confronted with excessive requests, and then with a smaller, more reasonable request, on which it is believed that it will be accepted.
128th Technique foot-in-door technique is persuaded to indulge in begging, and the first involving a confrontation with a small request, which generally meet everyone agrees, and then asking more, in which he expects will also be accepted.
129th Relevance: it is how effectively test or measurement technique (eg, during an interview for a job effort) shows what can be expected (eg the level of work).
130th Structured interview technique to collect data during the effort to work, which consists in the fact that the interviewer asks all candidates the same questions from previously prepared lists, questions relate only to the candidate's qualifications for the job.
131st Theory is a theory of an outstanding individual and assumes that there are basic personality traits that make a person a good leader, regardless of the specific situation in which comes to her work.
132. Zależnościowa leadership theory is a theory according to which the effectiveness of leadership depends on whether one is focused on the task-oriented or interpersonal relations, and from that, what is the size of control and influence the leaders of the group.
133rd The leader of a task-oriented leader is concerned primarily performing work, and fewer feelings and relationships between employees.
-oriented leader is the leader of relationships focused primarily on the emotions of employees and relations between them.
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